Art 'n' Stuff

This is where all things, in all the kinds of art, will be kept. A rambling blog of someone wandering around the art world.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Vader Project

 The Vader Project. Who doesn't love Darth Vader? Who doesn't love 100 Darth Vader Helmets that have been modified by 100 different artists? I'm gonna say no one. Dov Kelemer and Sarah Jo Marks had an amazingly wonderful idea to pull artists into the Darth Vader Helmet and see what came out. The show traveled through 2007 into 2010, where there was an auction held to sell the masks. I'm going to start a slow clap in appreciation for Kelemer and Jo Marks for making a fun art show for everyone. Plus, it's Star Wars, I mean, you can't really beat out a Star Wars art show.

  SO, here are some shots of individual helmets that were made. I highly suggest going to this website and looking at all of the helmets. And also LA Weekly did an article about The Vader Project. And you can also check out the list of artists involved and order a copy of the auction magazine, or a book including all the photos of the helmets from The Vader Project's website by clicking here.  Enjoy the show.   


  1. These are awesome! I heard about this project a little while ago but never looked into it. Good stuff mate.

    Arturo S.

  2. This is amazing! I agree with you about Darth Vader and Star Wars. I always get to learn and appreciate new art I haven't seen before when I visit your blog. :)

  3. No matter your view on the nerd factor you gotta love this. I really enjoy this alteration fad with vinyls and spray-cans and shows like these are just that but with a lil extra bonus of bad assery
